Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Do Artifacts Tell Us About the Lives of Early Humans?

Archeologist studied artifacts from early humans because they want to know what early humans did with this artifact what is this artifact for.

The early humans, made this cool artifact called cave painting. The early humans put their hand prints on the painting and they drew a lot of animal such as bison. Many of scientists think that they made these painting because the early humans saw these animals. That's not the only thing that the early humans did. They made some clay sculptures and a spear thrower.

I learned that the early humans did the paintings because maybe it's to entertain themselves or maybe they respect these animals. The most exciting painting that the early humans did there's a man with a bird mask who got injured. And there's a bison in front of him attacking the human and beside that human was a bird with 2 long sticks. I don't know why this early human made this painting but I could make a good guess right away. My guess is that the human made the painting because I think the human was hunting the bison and he failed and he got injured because the bison attacked him and I don't really know what the bird with the 2 long sticks.

For the clay sculptures and spear thrower, there are some examples there are examples for this. Like the two bisons. The two bisons were made the early humans. Maybe they made this sculpture because they respect these bisons or it's the one that they hunted. It might be that the early humans pray to hte bisons and respect so well. For the spear trower, I got a really goo example for this. The top of this spear thrower was a body of a horse with short legs. But why these early humans made these such a thing. But I could guess right away. Maybe they made this spear thrower because they believe and respect the horse or it's part of their culture.

I have support my answer with cave art paintings, clay sculptures and spear thrower. I think they really worked well on my answer. Early humans painted on the walls because they were telling you that they hunted a bison or something like that

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